
Saturday, February 14, 2015

Catching Up

I've got a bad habit of starting multiple projects at once. I usually go into them with the mindset that I will do them one at a time, of course, but that hardly ever happens. The reason is simply me getting too excited about starting them and jumping on them immediately. I'll start sketching and writing out the ideas with the intention of starting them once a previous project is complete, but yeah, you get the idea. Never happens. The good thing is that I usually complete them ... even if it takes me way longer than it should. Where am I going with this? Well, other than rambling, I have my heart set on starting some more pen and ink illustrations I've been thinking about (I'll later post about those), but I am aiming to complete the others before they start piling up. I really hope I can show some discipline. Ha, we'll see. I burned the midnight oil last night (a rarity since I'm more of a morning person) and started to work on a couple of uncompleted things. I have about a day left on the ink and acrylic one shown below (with the devils) and pretty much done with the little bird creature (whom I have named Lucien). Feeling pretty good about this pace. Laser focused! Aside from the unfinished projects, there's also a giant woodcut I that sits in my corner and stares at me - waiting for me to finish it, but that's a whole other post. We won't go there yet. ;)

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