
Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Time and Honey

I believe it has been over a week since I have written a thing here. I would give the whole rundown of my many excuses, but I'll spare you. We all have hiccups here and there.

Hiccups. Yes. They do get in the way of the oh-so perfectly planned schedule I made for myself. Write at this time, do work at that time, read sometime, draw every time. Time. Time. Time. I do need to grab that wily rascal by its furry little ears and catch up with it. Furry? Yeah, in my head, it's furry. And yes, I have had sleep. And no, I have not lost my mind. It's right here.

Moving on.

Speaking of time, this recent illustration gig has taught me a lesson or two. Nothing terrible, of course. I felt as though my time management was impeccable. I wake early, have my coffee or tea and check my calendar for my daily duties - with drawing being a part of every single day. When I say drawing, I mean both for non-personal work and for personal work. If I don't draw at least once during the day, I can't seem to focus on anything else. Yet, my ideas stop flowing and begin to drip as slow as honey and I still push myself. I try and squeeze all that I can out of my imagination. This is great, right? Well, sure it is, but I have become somewhat obsessive with it. For instance, I started a book and a new comic series back in January and haven't made it even halfway through either one. Not a big deal you say? No, it is not. A lot of people do that, but that is just a small slice of other things that I neglect. I don't get out much and that, my friends, is fuel for creativity. Getting out. Experiencing the world outside of my studio. That slow honey will crystallize if I don't buzz like a free little bee.

So, this week, I am going to go smell the air outside. Get these legs a-movin'. The moral of the story is, you can't have a balanced (creative) mind without wandering about and being in the world. I mean, I suppose you could, but it wouldn't be as colorful without it.

I have had so many ideas for stories that began as little drawings for a very, very long time. I think a break from my desk is just what I need to get them trotting along.


What have I been working on?

I have a few little fellas that I'd like to share, but they will be posted in a few hours. For now, it's time for more coffee.

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