
Saturday, March 7, 2015

Nudging My Way Into the World of Illustration

It is 9:41am and my coffee is brewing. Good morning. I'd like to ramble about my goals and what I have been learning lately as I have been trying to achieve them. Let's get straight to the point here - I really want to make a living as an illustrator. I mean, I sort of do now, but I mean, I want to work for a publisher(s), to do editorials, to illustrate my own book - I want to drown in work and love what I do (doesn't everyone?). So, I have been slowly nudging my way into that world.

I have been drawing nonstop ever since I graduated. Yep, art degree. I hear it all the time, "what are you going to do with that?" I used to think to myself that I'd probably work some random job and do art on the side - which I wouldn't have any problems with at all. I just know how I am and how my brain works. I'd get too comfortable with the routine and slowly but surely get out of the my drawing habits. Or maybe not. I don't know. I do get that itch to pick my pencil a lot, so maybe that would never go away. Here I go rambling again, sorry.

Anyway, I am in no way bashing my education, but as I am trying to make my way into the business of illustration, I am also teaching myself so many things that I wish I had the opportunity to learn while I was in college. For example, writing up a contract, copyright, usage, the ethics of charging and pricing for work. Oh and a tear sheet? What the hell is that? I know these things now of course, but topics like that were definitely never discussed or offered in any class available to art students. I really think that should change. No matter what "type" of artist you become, that sort of information is really important to have. I just have these moments every now and then when I am submitting things or just curiously reading about other artists where I am saying to myself, "I had no idea I needed to do that." or, "Damnit, I should have done that." No, I am not whining about not knowing. It happens. That's how we learn - from mistakes. I am just consuming as much information as I can to get things rolling a bit faster. There is nothing more that gives me such great anxiety as not being prepared.

Despite the hurdles and the let downs that have happened in my journey, I am making some headway. Recently, as I may have mentioned in a previous post, I was hired by an author to illustrator their book covers for a series. I joined the SCBWI and now have a portfolio up in their site. I applied for a grant in order to afford packets to send to publishers. I have submitted to a few magazines. I have typed-up my own contract. I built a new website. And hey, I am keeping up with a blog for once! Things are happening and I am excited about what's to come no matter how long it takes me. I mean, hey, I didn't rack up a crazy student debt for nothing ;)

It's now 10:08am. Pause for coffee refill.

Moving on ....

Next time, I think I am going to talk about this children's book I snagged at a thrift store a few months back called, The Brothers Gruesome by Susan Elgar and illustrated by Drahos Zak. It's by far one of the best things I have found lately. More about that next time, though.

For now, as per usual, I leave with you a sketch in progress from the ol' sketchbook. This is one of the many that I wish I would have started on good paper since I really want to add some ink washes.

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